Resting to our latest circulars about this matter, after revision by the Brazilian Government (Ordinance 661), we have updated the main requirements in force face the coronavirus pandemic:
Person’s control
- The presentation of the requirement to the airline, before boarding.
- For SARS-CoV-2 infection, with a negative or non-detectable result, performed within 72 hours prior to the event, or a non-reactive result by rapid antigen test performed within 24 hours prior to the event.
- Within a maximum of twenty-four hours prior to boarding/disembarkation, with the agreement on the sanitary measures that must be complied (including quarantine, if necessary).
- Proof, printed or digitally, of vaccination with immunizers approved by the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa), by the World Health Organization or by the authorities of the country where the traveler was immunized. Whose application of the last dose or single dose has occurred, at least , fourteen days before the departure date.
- Pre-shipment health screening* to identify possible symptoms of COVID-19.
- Therefore, crew, pilots, maritime agents and guards, suppliers, port operators, and other service providers and professionals of any nature is subject to these compliances.
- Most improtantly, travelers who do not have proof of vaccination may enter Brazilian territory as long as they agree to perform a 5-day quarantine in Brazilian territory. After which it must be submitted to a test for screening for the coronavirus.
Notification of cases on board
The vessel must notify immediately the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) unit responsible for the port on the occurrence of cases of COVID-19, flu syndrome, severe acute respiratory syndrome, acute diarrheal illness and other diseases of compulsory notification defined by the Ministry of Health.
Importantly, vessels must initiate notification of health events at least in advance 24 hours and a maximum of 36 hours from the ETA at the first Brazilian port, using the means fastest available.
Countries with restriction
In addition, the restrictions remain on the following countries: Republic of South Africa, Republic of Botswana, Kingdom of Eswatini, Kingdom of Lesotho, Republic of Namibia and Republic of Zimbabwe.
Emergency medical care
The disembarkation authorization of foreign crewmembers for emergency medical care is conditioned to the presentation of:
I – Term of responsibility for expenses arising from the transshipment signed by the agent maritime;
II – Corresponding air tickets; and
III – Completion of the Traveller’s Health Control Term – TCSV.
Vessel management in case of confirmed case of COVID-19 (RDC ANVISA 584)
In conclusion, Brazil P&I is at your disposal for further information.